Welcome to the world of Miss Silver!

Do you like to wear jewlery that not everybody else has, jewlery that are made the "right" way and still does not cost a fortune? The jewlery in this collection are available in a limited amount and sold only by us. Miss Silver is the right jewelry for you! Once again welcome to Miss Silver´s world!

  • Nature

    It is time that we together, you and I, take responsibility when we shop. Buy products where you know that the nature has not been affected negatively. Preferably with manufacturing within Europe.

  • People

    Also being careful with the workers having the right salary and are treated well. Of cource, there should be no child labour!

  • Quality

    You should never renounce quality on a product you buy. Our jewlery are always in silver, sometimes also gold-plated. In those cases, there is a plating of 18k gold.